Customer – individual concluding an agreement with a Seller within the online store, the subject of chich is not directly related to its business or professional activity.
User – any individual browsing the conten of the online store
1. The Privacy Policy of the Online Store (hereinafter refered to as „Policy”) is addressed to the Users and Customers of the Online Store and it defines terms and conditions, methods, and extent to which the personal data is processed, rights and obligations of the User and the Customer and the scope of protection of personal data collected. The terms and concepts used herby and capitalised are of the same meaning assigned to them in Terms and conditions of the Online Store, unless the Privacy Policy provides otherwise.
2. The Administrator of the personal data collected from the Users and the Customers of the Online store is Szymon Bobrowski running a business under the registered name Szymon Bobrowski EthnoField at the following address: ul. Kolejowa 37, 34-470 Czarny Dunajec, Poland.
3. The Customer or the User, by filling in the Contact detail form and/or placing the order and/or registering the Customer’s account in the Online store, transfers his/her personal data to the Seller who is the personal data Administrator. During the process of registration and while creating the account the User and the Customer are asked to consent to the processing of his/her personal data by the Seller. While providing personal data during placing the order and/or filling in the Contact form, the basis for data processing is the conclusion of the Sales Agreement and/or taking steps leading to its conclusion.
4. The Customer’s Personal data are used by the Administrator of the personal data solely for the purpose in which they were provided by the Customer i.e to faciltate the Communications with the Customer and/or registration of the Account and/or concluding the Sales Agreement.
5. Providing personal data is voluntary but indispensable for a proper communication with the Customer and/r registration of the account and/or concluding the Sales Agreement. Personal data provided to the personal data Administrator shall not be transferred to a third party without prior consent of the User to be used in any purposes other than those defined in terms and conditions.
6. The Customer of the online store shall place an order in two ways:
a) without the Account registration – the Customer places the order of the item in the Online Store as a guest Customer without the Account by providing only the required data in the order form (so called „quick order”);
b) with the Account registration – the Customer is placing the order of the item by registering and creating the Account. While registrating the Customer is providing his/her data such as name and surname, e-mail address. The registration allows future orders without the need to re-enter personal data refered to in this point because the data indicated beforehand are automatically uploaded in the online system.
7. The holder of the registered account may log in upon providing his Login (e-mail address indicated during the registration process) and a personalised password. It is recommended that the password consist of a combination of lower and uppercase letters at least small and capital letters, as well as digits and special characters. The Customer is adviced to secure the password against unothorized use.
8. The Administrator of personal data shall notify the Customer of the right of access and transfer of the personal data provided at any time as well as the possibility to amend the data and the right to complain against its processing. The consent to the personal data processing may be withrawn at any time. The withdrawal of the consent shall not influence the lawfullness of the proceedings which were carried out on the basis of the consent given before its withdrawal.
9. The Customer has the right to submit a complaint on personal data processing to the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.
10. Personal Data provided to the personal data Administrator shall not be transferred to any third parties without a prior consent of the Customer for any purposes other than those specified in the terms and condition of the online store.
11. The personal data of the Customers registered in the Online Store may be at any time reviewed, amended and changed upon the logging to the Account by means of Login and password or by the direct contact with the Administrator of the personal data.
12. The Administrator of personal data herby informs that he never asks to provide the e-mail address or any other personal data in the content of the e-mail as well as he shall never transfer, sell or lend the data collected from the Customer to any third party, unless on the express request or consent of the Customer or at the motion of public authorities in relation with the pending proceedings.
13. The Administrator of the data is processing the personal data provided by the Customer of the online store in a manner consistent with the scope of authorisation granted him by the Customer and legal requirements, in particular He takes due care to secure the data of the Customer against unauthorised use, loss or damage.
14. The Online store website also contains some links to other websites, not administered by the the Administrator of the personal data. The Administrator is not liable neither for the contents of the sites nor for the degree of Privacy Policy provided by the Administrators of these sites. The Administrator of personal data herby declares that this Privacy Policy relates solely to the online Store and that switching to any other sites shall mean the acquainting with the Privacy Policy of these sites before providing personal data thereto. Switching to or visiting other websites shall be performed at the risk of the Customer.
15. The Internet Store is using Cookie files which serve to identify the browser while using the Online Store in order to know which site to display. The Cookie files don’t contain any personal data. While entering the Online Store some information in the form of Cookie files may appear on the Computer of the Customer.
16. „Cookies“ are small files consisting of a series of letters and characters stored on a computer by a web server while visiting a given page of the Online Store. The „Cookies” are used by the online store exclusively to better adapt the website to the individual preferences of the Customer. Additionally, „Cookies” can be used for the following purposes:
a) ensuring the proper operations of the online store – „Cookies” allow access to the certain parts of the website e.g. secured by a log in system;
b) improving the efficiency and optimalizing operations of the online store – „Cookies” allow following the operations performer by the Customers reviewing the site which helps to improve the site;
c) targeting informational and promotional contents – „Cookies” are designed to automatically adjust the content of the online store to the needs of the Customers;
d) improving the fuctionality of the online store - „cookie“ files help memorizing information provided by the Customer e.g. Login;
17. Information collected and generated by „Cookies” in the online store do not allow personalisation and identification of the Customer. As a result of their use, no personal data of the Customer are stored or used.
18. During the visit of the User in the online store, the IP-address data, domain name, browser type, operating system type (including so-called logs or log files) are automatically collected. Data may be collected by Cookies or Google Analytics system, i.e. an internet analitics system allowing the insight into the operations performed in the online store and the effectiveness of the marketing activities. Detailed and most up-to-date information on this subject are to be fund directly on the website of the producer under the following link
19. „Cookies“ used in the online store are safe and do not affect the User’s computer in any way. The user can change the way of using „Cookies” by the browser as well as block or delete the files coming from the online store. In most web browsers there is a possibility to remove and delete „Cookies” from the hard disc of the computer, block all „Cookies” sent or set a warning against saving the files on the disc. In order to do this, it is advisable to get acquainted with the manual or the help tools of the given browser. Limiting the use of „cookies” may affect some functionalities available in the online store.
20. The Administrator of personal data is entitled to introduce any changes to this Pivacy Policy for important reasons (e.g. amendments in law, change of terms and conditions of the sale in the online store). If any changes are introduced the User shall be notified at least 14 days in advance before the changes come into effect. The relevant notification of any changes introduced will be placed in the online store and the Users with a registered account will be notified about the changes by e-mail sent to them.
21. In the absence of acceptance of the amended Policy, the User has the right to terminate the Policy, and thus refuse to continue to leave his personal data to the Administrator, which binds the Administrator of personal data with the obligation to delete such User's personal data from the customer database. The change in the Policy, to the extent that its provisions apply to Sales Agreements, does not change the provisions of the Sale Agreements concluded before the change of the Policy.
22. The User and the Customer is requested to immediately notify the personal data Administrator about any breaches identified by him or her regarding the use of the Online Store. In the event of any questions, comments, conclusions, or suggestions regarding this Policy, the Online Store User is also asked to contact the personal data Administrator. All contact details to the personal data Administrator are indicated in the CONTACT tab in the Online Store.